Our technologies

Introducing our home ground technologies.

Our technologies

We have many experiences to delelop GUI applications with using object oriented prigraming language like C++ or C# and GUI toolkit like Qt. We have knowledges for graphics processing that include 2D, 3D, volume and surface, and we are applying it for medical image analysis.

We also have experiences for low level layer development with using C or assembler.

Medical image analysis system prototype Tartlet (WIP)

Tartlet is a software development project for medical image analysis system to research architecture and provide testbed for developing new technologies.

We are designing its architecture to intend for emphasizing of portability, stability and productivity. For portability, Tartlet is cross platform software for Windows, macOS and Linux and it is also designed for possibility for future support of cloud, smartphones and tablet devices. We are trying to provide mechanisms for memory management, parallel processing and notifications to resolve problems that block large scale system development for realizing high stability. We also have a goal to focus for things that want to realize, without being troubled by unwanted problems when developing the system.

Medical image analysis system prototype Tartlet (WIP)
Medical image analysis system prototype Tartlet (WIP)

Approaching for state of the art technologies

We are using previously noted Tartlet for testbed to uniquely develop state of the art technologies like 3D printing, VR / AR, GPGPU or artificial intelligence.

Color 3D printing from medical images (WIP)
Color 3D printing from medical images (WIP)

We can help you even if it is not medical image processing

We are specialized for medical image processing, but we think that we can apply our technologies to contribute for you even if your demand is not for medical imaging. Please feel free to contact us.

Waiting for your contact

If you have interests for our technologies, please send message from inquiry form or send e-mail to ygohko at gohko.co.jp. We are waiting for you.

Contact us